Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Talk a LOT- Figures of Speech. And Pics

Decided to blog on time this week...finally! I steeeeeel haven’t finish my DS and flash assignments! I’m truly at a dead end for flash...stuck stuck stuck!( cliché cliché!) Have been asking everyone for help-lecturer, classmates, etc- until I think they are pretty sick of me, can’t blame them, heh, I’m irritated with myself. Urgh. I have my idea in mind for so long but I just don’t know how to use the much too complicated(for me) software still very worried about that.

Today’s lesson was about Visual tropes. Like those figure of speech stuff. Rhetorics if you talk about Plato...which Munying seems to like talking about =p Plato is maybe one (or many) step deeper than what we talked about today....

I think mainly is about playing around with people’s perception, this art of persuasion. You use all these different kinds of methods to make people realise or think of things that they may not even know they think about. Like advertisements. We don’t even know why we buy it exactly, but the visual and concepts of the ad plays around with our perception, persuading us. That could Metonymic, using an object to represent an idea-make-up representing beauty?

Also, we spotted the difference between metaphors and physical analogies. Metaphor-absolutely Not literal. A psychological analogy. A picture of Freedom with a bird (by the way that’s my DS project-Freedom) doesn’t mean it is... Analogy- Literal, obvious.

Talked about stereotyping, which is typical in our society. Like say, a murderer wears black when he kills someone, doesn’t mean anyone wearing black is a murderer mah. Something like that.

Hyperbole...this one’s quite drama. Exaggerating something to bring out its essence, its idea or the concept. Can be quite gross sometimes....

I better go and do the flash now...if only there’s a ‘be a pro in flash in 5 min’ pill i could take ...i wish!

Week 7 and dying...almost

Yep...last couple of weeks. And really, almost to fainting point already. Still rushing for 2 more assignments, DS and IA (my WORST nightmare! I'm not exaggerating). ssiigggghhhhhhhhh.................Tired! And got so many other homewrk too. Okay gotta stop complaining. Makes it seems worse. Just a couple of pics of my stuffs then:

VDS font-poster submission...Finally after slogging for so many weeks, we handed up our font faces. Dont feel very much of relief at all though, just quite keep wondering if I handed up everything

DS acrylic painting- that was hard, its like, I saw it in my mind. But it came out totally different when I drew it =.= 1st time using acrylic to paint. Wonder why it turned out like water colour..