Do you think you are creative? Why/Not? (reflect on your creative process in Sem 1 while going through the Common Foundation courses) to answer this.
Am I creative? Sometimes yes sometimes no I guess...certainly, there are times when ideas just hit me like a bolt of lighting, and whoa, those times are awesome! I’ll be driven by inspiration and not just purely thinking of what to do. Atlas, those are limited... I hope I can improve in ‘bombing ideas’ out!
Why or why not I’m creative? I suppose I am creative, because I think things in a different way. I see issues with a different perspective than the norm. I’m always asking questions, really! Why, why, why...ask, ask, ask...people get irritated of me soon enough! (My friends think I’m siao(crazy), so does my family =p) Ha ha. Im not satisfied with just the usual explanation, because I want to know more than that. Being creative is a state of mind, if we are able to look at the world around us with an open mind, without the rigidity of narrow-mindedness, without always saying ‘Its must be done THIS way’, then that would be creativity. Of course, there are times when I get stuck. Eh..I think sometimes I just can’t be creative because of being under stress. I definitely work better when I’m not feeling stressful =p Though definitely that won’t be possible in design school =p! I need to learn to do well under stress use the stress as a form of motivation. Jia you! =p
Thinking about what I did in sem 1, I admit I was only say, 20% creative? I was afraid that I would do something wrong, so I always followed the brief almost exactly =p Even I myself found some of my work booring. I was kinda like in a cage that I had put myself into, afraid of the big bad world outside! I thought and reflected about it...and I realised that if I don’t try, I’ll never know, will I? I need to step out! And hopefully, break out of my little comfortable space...In fact, I’ve always been terrified of confrontations, of voicing out my thoughts. Gotta be thick-skinned abit from now on =p!
What were the last 3 creative things you did? Describe in some detail, and provide criteria why it was creative. If you have not done anything creative recently, please say more about why that is so.
I can’t think of anything I’ve done that’s classified under ‘creative’ recently...tell you when I have!
Do you think Creativity can be taught/and learned? Why/Not?
Maybe... When we are constantly around creative people, we tend to be influenced by them, and begin to think out of the box ourselves. That’s how creativity is learnt, through the mimicking of others. Thinking about it, I realise that everything that we know how to do is actually through copying people around us, our parents, family, etc. We learn through copying. To be creative is to not only copy, but to improve what have already been discovered.
But then again, true creativity is actually being able to imagine things no one has ever thought about before. Its about being unique. That can’t be learnt, because it comes from within us =)
What is your general gameplan for improving your Creativity? Please explain some possible goals and directions you have in mind. How can this class help you specifically.
Improving my creativity I said, I gotta learn to be more thick-skin.. I think through this class I can just let go of any other pre-conceptions I’ve had before, so that I won’t keep holding ideas back, but just let loose whatever that’s in my mind. I believe this class can allow me to generate ideas more quickly...bomb everything out! Haha >.<
My goal is of course to reach a stage of creativity where I could immediately generate great ideas on the spot, that’ll take lots of practice practice practice, so that my mind can work faster!