Saturday, November 7, 2009

So far...

A short post to talk about how's school for me so far, in particular DCC of course =p

Well...I supposed its an understatement to say that its been pretty stressful and busy for the only the first 3 weeks of school! But, I think most of the projects just needs consistent work, for me to be able to produce something good, or at least acceptable =p So, today I tried to sort out which assignments i need to do first, by writing them all out...and wah!!! The number of homework is indeed ALOT. O.O

Sorry cher, I didn't have the time (nor strength) to update on my week for last week's post...hehe, you must be wondering why so many of us are complaining about the must be true if everyone is saying it then! =p I'm wondering...what would design school be like if we have NO homework at all??? Chaos...or heaven? =)P
Of course, it'll never happen lah. Just a daydream..poof!

Anyway, just wanna say that this week's lecture about psychology and design was really helpful and insightful =) Its really interesting that we can in fact learn about how the human mind work, and to see that there's a similar pattern to how all of us generate thoughts. It helped alot for the HTI seminar too, especially that part where we talk about thought processes, and how having too much info but not sorting them out is not going to work. Cos you see, we had like so much, too much actually, info for the project, until it was soo messy and we just didn't know how to organise all of it. Luckily after DCC we quickly stopped looking around for info, but to start looking at what we have in our hands instead...and I think (hope) our presentation was okay in the end^.^

will post my doodle or other pics asap! =)