Now its week 5 already...more than half the term over, YAY! Haha.. just a Little more, a little more to go =) jia you!
This week’s check in was to draw out our ‘State of Art and Progress’ Map, or SOAP. So cute lah, the name Soap! I even drew out(or tried to) a piece of soap at the top! Okay I know I’m pretty lame, but that’s me=p Its like a map of the status of all our projects in VDS, IA, DS, HTI...and as you can see, it is either I have too little confidence in myself, or there’s alot more work I need to do, or Maybe, both. Hee. Oh ya, I decided to use not too much colours this time, make it look somewhat neater, and erm, more ‘sophisticated’.
IA-This is my most dreaded nightmare man! Muahahaha...(see the pic beside with all the stickman pulling my eyeball apart!)...its killing me slowly... ok ok, probably not so jialat lah, I’m exaggerating. Still, it is really hard for me to get the hang of how to use the flash software. REALLY hard. It is just like when I started learning illustrator and photoshop, except Worse, cos its animated. Geesh. Maybe I need to attend ‘Adobe Flash for kids’ or something. And I probably won’t be able to catch up in that class either =p But I’m trying Hard...I hope Something will get into my head after all those class exercises, and I’ve been asking the lecturer loads of questions-I hope she won’t get fed up! LOL For illustrator, I’m still not very good at it, but I do understand the basic stuff. So I hope it’ll be like that for Flash too=) Must stay positive! =) As for the assignment, the e-card thingy, I’ll start simple, create a character, and then lots of consultation so that I won’t get too stuck. ^.^
DS- This one is like an extreme rollercoaster, like the pic. All the way up sometimes, and all the way Down at other time. Because it’s quite unpredictable if I’m going to draw something nice or something totally ‘Bleah’(disastrous!). For me, drawing well comes with inspiration, and inspiration only comes Sometimes, the times when I’m not worrying what others may think . And I realise that my sub-conscious can draw better than my conscious mind. Meaning, If I keep concentrating so hard and worrying that my piece won’t come out well, it will Not turn out nice. But if I just relax and do it like, without stress, it’ll turn out fab! Music helps too, it relaxes me, and distracts me from thinking negative thoughts. Talking on the phone while drawing is also not bad, hehe!
For the DS illustration assignment, I have a theme in mind already, and now I’m in the research cum incubation stage. Have been Googling, finding inspiration. I’m thinking about how to make my piece Unique. Like, not what everyone can think of immediately, but something that can provoke a deeper thought, something with Meaning.
VDS-Okay, maybe you can’t really see what’s the picture about. Its actually a stickman(me)-Oh ya you must be wondering why I only draw stickman...cos I’m terrible at drawing real ppl thats why, aack! =p- running towards a trophy...and there’s a really loooong road to it. The pair of eyes represent that I can see my goal, but Its so Far away! And Its so hard to get to it, I’m Panting as I run. Interpreting it, it shows that for my VDS font assignment, I’ve got It, the idea, the method, the design. But there’s still so much to do to achieve it! And I’m getting tired and quite stressed too, cos the deadline is coming soon.. But perseverance is the Key! And I’m gonna run till I get there!
HTI-I drew this pic before I handed up the Essay 1a, so the burden is less heavy now. But still, as in the pic, I feel squashed by all the work. Its kind of my fault lah, cos I let the journal writing pile up. Last term was still okay, I wrote each journal on time and it didn’t feel so much like a mass of rocks on top of me. But this term I was so caught up with all the other projects that I got abit laid back with the journal writing. I need to catch up with the writing! Get rid of all those ‘rocks’ suffocating me!
Alrighty...I think this entry is Packed with enough words! Hehe..Hope you don’t get too bored reading it yea. I still have not done my creativity model thingy, still not so sure how. Now need to focus more on the Font project 1st...
TTFN! (Tata for now) =)
P.S. OH! Forgot to talk about the ‘half glass empty or full’ thingy, I wrote that cos I wanted to figure out my mental state, whether I think positively or negatively, I know I underline ‘empty’. I was feeling quite disappointed in myself at the time, veering towards ‘ARRRGGGG!’. But now its getting Better. Smiles* =)